Matt Howland is an archaeologist with interests in archaeological mapping, 3D visualization and modeling, spatial analysis, and landscape archaeology. Howland specializes as a balloon photographer, photographing archaeological sites for the purposes of documentation, analysis, and mapping. He also works with Structure-From-Motion techniques in order to quickly and cheaply model archaeological remains. His supervisor is Prof. Tom Levy in the Levantine Archaeology Lab and Calit2's Cyber-Archaeology Lab. Howland works with Levy on the Edom Lowlands Regional Archaeology Project. He has used balloon photography at sites across the Southern Levant, including Petra, Khirbat Faynan, Tel Akko, and Qatzrin.
Dec 31, 2013 - "Appendix B: Using Photogrammetry and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to Draft Accurate Plans of Qazion," Jamie Quartermaine, Brandon R. Olson and Matthew Howland, Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology Vol. 1, No. 2 (2013), pp. 169-174 & Heritage Studies
Mar 1, 2013 - "The 2012 Petra Cyber-Archaeology Cultural Conservation Expedition: Temple of the Winged Lions and environs, Jordan," T. Levy, C. Tuttle, M. Vincent, M. Howland, A. Richter, V. Petrovic, D. Vanoni, Antiquity
Feb 12, 2013 - "The 2012 Petra Cyber-Archaeology Cultural Conservation Expedition: Temple of the Winged Lions and Environs, Jordan,"Thomas E. Levy, Christopher A. Tuttle, Matthew L. Vincent, Matthew Howland, Ashley M. Richter, Vid Petrovic and David Vanoni, Antiquity, Volume 087, Issue 335